Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Altered Ego

Have you ever felt like you're on top of the world?  Have you ever realized that you're not?  I was much dismayed when I underwent this horrific realization tonight.  There are more important things than what I have to say: card games, Mario Party, and bread.  To say the least, I was feeling pretty defeated when the bread was better than my precious words.  Oh, well...you live and you learn, and then you call BS.  I say, "Poo-poo," to convenient friends.  You know what those are, right?  They're the friends that love you to pieces and think you're the greatest thing on the planet...when they want something from you or when it's convenient for them.  If you don't know them yet, you're lucky, but beware because they're out there, and they will get you.  It's not a matter of if; it's a matter of when.  Now, if only there were a special kind of Band-Aid that could soothe my poor ego...

1 comment:

  1. Hugs from the Della! They were convenient again?...over things like bread? I thought we were over that...
