Sunday, September 5, 2010

Immaturity Injured the Idiot

I'm quite sure that you've all heard the phrase "Curiosity killed the cat," right?  Well, I believe that, in light of recent events, I'm going to start using my own phrase; Immaturity injured the idiot.  There's a certain idiot that I'm speaking about, of course, but I'm not going to use names.  I just find it hard to believe that a 20-year-old man can be such a child!  I'm not even sure how to deal with him anymore.  I feel like I've grown so much, and I'm making something of my life.  I really think that Court said it best when we were talking about another immature idiot.  She said, "Well, it's hard to get out of high school when you never did anything with your life."  It seems a bit harsh, but it's quite true.  Most adults move on.  They go to college, serve a mission, get a job, begin a career, get married, start a family, or do whatever they consider "moving on" to be.  Others choose to coast by, living with their parents for no legitimate reason, wallowing in rumor spreading, overreactions, jealousy, and concern for only themselves.  I feel sorry for these people.  It's so easy to see that they're not truly happy.  I guess that I'll just do my best to put up with this certain immature individual.  Hopefully things will change soon.  Until then, I'm going to have to refrain from asking him if he can put on his big-boy pants and grow up.  He's really only hurting himself with his attitude and actions.  Unfortunately, he can't see this yet.  I guess it's only a matter of time...